Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The reason why I'm not too keen on installing XP via Boot Camp on my mbp...[]

Monday, April 24, 2006

Friday, April 21, 2006

Windows Vista is really cool!!

Don't listen to what people are saying: "it's late... major features have been pulled out... it copies what OSX Tiger has (and released a year ago).."

Check out this video presentation of Vista to see for yourself! (google videos)

Monday, April 17, 2006



i woke up to my phone's alarm, thinking it was apple calling me to deliver the good news. but sadly, it wasn't apple. so i dragged myself up and called applecare to enquire about the arrival date of my mbp. the nice australian man (g'day mate!) informed me that it would be delivered tomorrow. dejected, like a spurned lover, i hung up.

not long thereafter, my mobile phone rang and on it's display was the very familiar number of Apple Asia HQ! they confirmed my home address and made me stay home from 2 to 5 TODAY!! to receive my mbp in person. HOLY SHIT! IT'S HERE! (on the way)

now im getting all antsy. what if my mbp isn't perfect!! oh that would be VERY shitty indeed. this is just like those IRC meetups of yesteryear: you will trade photos with a new chat friend, and find that she's actually pretty attractive. then when you guys decide to meet, u get antsy over the meeting.

please please please please please please please let it be perfect.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Macbook Pro tomorrow? + shopping updates.

I hope so (good)... either that or on tuesday. (not good)

Things i've bought during the weekend.

1) a pair of adidas shoes.

2) a pair of shure silicone eartips for my apple in-ear headfones. previously these were my only hated apple product coz of the inferior sound they produced. but once i fitted the shure eartips on them, these puppies SANG! so a tip for those using apple in-ear plugs, get a pair of shure silicone eartips. they can be purchased from the very nice and very gentlemanly wilson at jaben networks. he carries awesome In-ear monitors as well. Westones and Shures and Etymotics. he even lets you test them (do clean your ears before you head down.) here's how they look now.

3) LaCie Brick 250GB hard drive.

4) LaCie External 16x DVD burner.

I'm gonna start clearing my table in anticipation of the MBP tomorrow.

Check out Richard Cheese! I first heard of them when germaine and i were browsing a mac at applecentre@funan. He plays Vegas versions of chart topping music. Tres funny.

Was browsing Wired and came up with this nice article about iPods on Microsoft campus.

I'm customizing certain things to be my makeshift ipod stand.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

last night, when i checked on her, she was feeling cold and not looking too good. i knew then, that she was going to leave me soon.

this morning, i found her breathing to be laboured. i somehow knew she didn't have long to live, so i took her from her blankets and held her in my hands. she couldn't breathe very well and it was terrible to watch - i felt like returning her to the cage, but no. i cannot. so instead, i just held her and stroked her back as she gasped for air. i was looking into her eyes and i could tell that she knew she was being held, there was a little fear in her eyes as she fought each breath, but after that came a quiet acceptance and a dignified stare. finally, after half an hour, her eyes told me she was ready to go and she released from her little paws the last tendrils of life.

i've never been so upset over a death of a pet. the death of the previous two hamsters were upsetting but she was my favorite hamster. she never bit anybody and it was always a joy to hold her as she never struggled out of your palm but would just sit in the middle peacefully. she also had a way of telling me that she wanted to go for a walk in the walking ball - she would chew on the iron railings of her cage door. all these tiny little things i took for granted and now that she's gone, i'm much poorer for the loss.

i placed her body into an empty toothpaste carton, and took her up to the park to be buried next to two of her brothers. the soil was easy and i used a metal spoon this time so the grave was pretty deep. i laid her to rest inside and placed a little blue flower on the coffin and used my hands to push the loose soil over her little box.

when i was done, i planted another flower on the top of her grave, stood up and left.

goodnight you.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

I've finally found a pictorial representation of how I felt on 1st April.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

I'm back in Mac.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

It is with a heavy heart that I report that Hamster 2 just passed away this morning.

I was about to feed both my hamsters at 11am, but when I got to hammy 2, I realised he wasn't breathing. I then slowly lifted his body into a shortened toothpaste box and filled it with some of this favorite pellet food, padded the interior with tissue paper and wrapped the whole box up in white paper.

I then carried him to the park where I previously buried Skinny, and armed with a yellow plastic scoop, I made 2's final resting place.

Good night 2. I'm sure Skinny's waiting to show you around the excellent playground he's found.