Saturday, March 04, 2006

Just because I'm bored, and more importantly, just because I CAN,

i've posted a nice comment to this lenghty Friendster blog post.

In the event that my comment was removed as a result of the said blogger having NO SENSE OF HUMOR, here is the comment that i appended.

(the sentences encased in quotes are the blogger's own. my comments follow behind.)

=== Start comment ===
Quotable Quotes:

"Juz taken my bathe"
- snigger. snigger.

"heard my phone ringing and found a msg.. It was Him.."
- did God message you? snicker.

"due to unmatched lunch hours"
- i do believe the word is "MISmatched".

"Plays drum in pub.."
- is that a new instrument? "drum in pub". snicker.

"back to the track,"
- hahaha thanks, after reading your postings, i really did believe that i've been lost in the grammatical wilderness! but sadly, you didn't bring me "back to the track".

=== End Comment ===

UPDATE: after checking out her Friendster profile page, I have this gem to share with all my readers. (all 11 of you.)

(click on image for a larger view.)


At Sun Mar 05, 02:10:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Unknown said...

i cant' believe u still check this girl's blog !! isn't she the one wth the piggy looking bf?? goshness.

At Tue Mar 07, 12:33:00 AM GMT+8, Blogger grace said...

Hahaha nick!
are you in love with the dancer?

At Tue Mar 07, 12:14:00 PM GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

why are you so bo liao to go and read ah lian blogs?


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