Sunday, January 29, 2006

i was watching CNA (channel newsasia. insights from the inside.) on the eve of chinese new year and they had this report about loads of chinese families buying specific flowers and plants for good luck and good fortune.

the only people getting definite good luck and fortune from all those purchases are the florists themselves. the poor saps who took home some very expensive vegetation probably saw a dip in their own personal fortunes.

this is like valentine's day. except only supersitious chinese people are involved. CNY and then Valentine's day. 'tis a good season to be a florist!

speaking of Valentine's day. it's coming. guys, you had better hide your money offshore or lock it up by purchasing properties! (i know mine's going to a new macbook pro. sorry germaine.)


At Sun Jan 29, 04:27:00 AM GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cheebye later cry my fault again.

fuck you

At Sun Jan 29, 11:20:00 PM GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OI vday is important! u make/made girls cry...


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