Tuesday, May 18, 2004

im trying to break out from my circle of friends. nothing as bad as it seems, i love my current pals and all but sometimes, i need the variety. like for instance, i hung out with janice, a friend whom i've known for 6 years, but the ironic thing is that i've hung out with her more in the past 2 months thn the previous 5years and 10months. change is good. change is welcome.

another point i realised is that all the girls i know are from my, to borrow a friendster term, 2nd degree circle. two factors attribute to this. 1, im in a very male-centric workplace - the fucking army. 2, i went to the poly instead of jc. now the girls in poly, especially singapore polytechnic, most especially, engineering faculty, are dogs. oh there are a couple of gems here and there, like 1 in a 1000, but the rest are frankly, dogs. so there u have it, 2 most important reasons why i dont have a large circle of female friends. oh, that and im shy. lethal combination for my social life i tell you.

speaking of which, i dont know why some people choose to sign on in the army. its like fucking living in a monastry, except its worse. sure the pay is good, but fuck it man.

ocassionally, iim quite tired of jamming - coz its the same old style week after week. right now, im looking for someone wwho can jam with me the entire Enema of the State album.


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