Saturday, January 24, 2004

friday 23rd january... jess and i intended to head to sentosa for a little canoeing and rollerblading but it rained pretty damn heavily (just as we were about to reach sentosa nonetheless! bummer!)

so we went to jurong swimming complex to slack instead (u know, the one with e slides, wave pool n stuff?)

as usual we go on each other's nerves :P in a good way! then we hung out in my car coz it was raining and jess was pretty darn cold (my car's a good place to warm up coz the aircon isnt working ha-ha-ha ) so0 we had tea from KFc and pineapple tarts which i brought and which were meant for the beach. oh well..

then we came back to my place to get my jacket and jess played with my 4 hammies! (bagel is being bullied by muffin and i had to seperate them) at which my parents met jess *grin*

my mom was quite surprised that jessica wasnt chinese hehe whereas my dad seem pretty nonplussed about it. either way it went well :)

jess and i went to watch Goodbye Lenin! (an alright show, more arty and political thn comedy) then we had dinner at a small german pub at united sq. (haha all things german today, including you jess!) afterwhich we hemmed-and-hawwed over where to go and ended up buying a barcardi breezer for jess and a carton of orange juice for my sscrewdriver and heading back to my place

i hve a small table with two chairs at the balcony, so i opened the windows wide and we sat there looking out at the sea/sentosa/opposite block of flats, drinking our drinks while some jazz was piping over the hifi. pretty good! hehe

and oh, we played coy (at least i know i did.. haha) for awhile and then i kinda held her hand *big smile* and later we kinda cozied up till she had to go :P

sent her back, during the journey we shifted the gears together heehee, and we stayed in the car for awhile even though we've reached her place.

now i just got an sms frm her - her parents would like to meet me!



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