Thursday, January 22, 2004

its chinese new year.

i went shopping for clothes with jessica today.. bought a coupla stuff and i made her try a salmon sushi with wasabi (she usually takes it out coz its.. hot. its not hot!) hehe

as usual, the company was tops. -wink- and its a good thing that they had the dress size that jess wanted at plaza sing.

seriously m)phosis should buck up on their customer relations! there was a dress but in M size and jess needed Small, so we asked them if they had anymore sizes around and she said no. without even checking!!

so we had to ask another if they had Small at Plaza Sing, coz the last time we went there, they had it. lo and behold, p.s. had it in stock.

stupid fat sales person.

should be going to sentosa with her on friday. :) which is cool of course.. haha we might be rollerblading (which i suck at) or canoeing (not too bad) and get as close as possible to being sunburnt. but not sunburnt.

its funny, coz jess asked me what was i doing on friday, and i said "nothing" and i asked her wat was she doing on friday and she said "nothing". so i went "oh.." and asked if she had to visit relatives n all that stuff but she said she'll only be going on thursday and saturday. that leaves friday free. so i went "ah.. " and kept quiet.

i wanted to see if she'd ask me out -grin- but there was a pregnant silence and before she could change her mind and plan something for friday, i spoke out "do u want to go out on friday?"

capre diem ;P

you're probably gonna read this someday jess, so hello!


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