Thursday, June 05, 2003

have you ever had the urge to write something but when you pick up the pen and you go *blank* ? like you're so in the mood to write a song but the words dont flow.

i have camp tomorrow. argh!

i should be sleeping now.

but i cant get to sleep..

i just thought of something im sure EVERYONE has gone through, unless of course, you're mighty lucky, which i'd like you to think that you're going to hell. okay, its like have you ever been interested in someone, but only to find out he/she is interested in somebody else? *Kapwring!* that's gotta chaffe huh :)

my mind's jumping ALL OVER THE PLACE! remember the girl J i was talking about? seems i've been granted permission to walk her dogs whenever i feel like it! now now, im all over her already, so dont go thinking i've got any ulterior motives. just so happens that i love the canine breed and am pretty happy to just let them lead me around :D

hungry. point to note: im soooooo poor im drinking water to stifle the hunger pangs im feeling. so PLEASE donate to the Starving Drummer Fund.


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