Sunday, May 18, 2003

werider things have happened but i must say what is it about being in a relationship that is so different from being friends? pressure to make things work out? pressure coz you'd be dealing with emotions instead of feelings? someone unfamous once said the person who says his girlfriend is his best friend probably never had any friends at all.

i disagree totally.

but when both parties are such indispensable friends, wouldnt going into a relationship jeopardize everything? hereby i am presented with a quandary. i'd prefer it if my my girlfriend was also my best friend (best, in this case, doesnt mean singular. one can never have too many best friends, but it is morally frowned upon to have a plethora of girlfriends). that way, things would be so much more comfortable. however, there's this instance of breaking up which usually places the friendship within death's grip.

life loves to put me down whenever im prepared for something. take for instance this morning. at church. where i made up my mind to finally ask someone out. but someone didnt turn up. only in retrospect did i realise she usually attends masses on alternate sundays (ponderous point). as always, i've felt let down. but perhaps its just my eyelids dragging down the curtains on the great life story.

sleep and later


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