Friday, September 16, 2005

i was reading about the cassini probe, the one currently double-parked in front of saturn and by just randomly clicking through links, i came across this site, "Ooparts and Ancient Hight Technology". Ooparts means Out Of Place Artifacts btw.

At first thinking it's one of those conspiracy theory sites (the title did awfully seem like it, right?) , i realised its a Jesus-site (!!).

One of the articles uses the DNA as proof that god (note capitalization) exists. Their premise? Something so complex, can NOT possibly be created by natural evolution (chance).

Quoted from the article, "When an artifact as simple as an arrowhead is found, we understand that someone made that--indeed we understand that to be the case for all "complex" artifacts. We have here an artifact that we cannot duplicate, a technology that we cannot imagine and yet we can believe that it came about by a totally random process over billions of years?"

good point. but have you ever looked at the structure of a diamond? or a snowflake? all terrifically complex internal structures, but hey, news-flash, they weren't put there by god.

Another quote, "The truth is odds over 1 in 10 to the 50th power are considered "impossible" by statisticians. The Odds of single bacterium forming from "pre-existing soup" have been estimated to be at least 1 in 10 to the 100,000,000,000th power!

Evolutionist/Materialist: "1 in 10 to the 100,000,000,000th power (hugging himself/herself?) So you're telling me there's a chance!"

they assume that since the odds against bacterium (hence, life) forming in the primordial soup is "1 in 10 to the 100,000,000,000th power", life must have originated from god. what they fail to realise (even though they typed it down, the jackasses) is that 1 chance is still a VALID CHANCE.

besides, who knows but we might have been the (10 to the 100,000,000,000,th power, less 1)th iteration of the universe. Had it been any other way, these disillusioned folks wouldn't even EXIST to proclaim about their god.

"It is proof that someone with infinitely higher technical ability than ourselves, is responsible for implanting a DNA message into the cell of everything alive in the universe which says "Hello, I am your Creator""

there it is again, creator creator god god jesus jesus *yawn*. if they like the theory that life on earth was "engineered", it would be more likely that extra-terresterials did the job, instead of a metaphysical being like, *ahem* god.


there're billions of stars and planets besides our own, and these can be measured physically (i.e. they are made of solid matter), what about let's say... The Gates of St. Peter? (answer: they're made out of our imaginations).

in any scenario, it is definitely much more probable, if one chooses to believe that life on earth was engineered to begin with, that lifeforms were seeded by aliens (cue conspiracy theories..) and not god, as there exists physical, definite, concrete evidence that there might be other forms of intelligence out there (extra-solar planets, other galaxies... etc), and not a single shred of physical proof that god exists. (can someone gimme the address of St. Peter's Gates again?)

of course, i am not advocating the theory that aliens created life on earth. im just arguing that if one chooses to view life on earth as engineered, there is a more plausible attribute to it and it is NOT god.


At Sun Sep 18, 12:19:00 AM GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what kind of nonsense is a 4 question game. is it created by you. and why must i type in some funny alphabets ("rbtgwg") just to comment!

At Sun Sep 18, 12:20:00 AM GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh. i'm jac. (now it's "wxbpmexk" are you trying to discriminate agaisnt the illiterate and those of us who could not afford to go to PAP childcare center)


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