Monday, October 31, 2005

I hear only silence in the village of reason.

honestly everybody - what's with all the childish behavior?

perhaps its too much to ask people to grow up, or to have some journalistic integrity and conduct some basic fact checking before posting stories based on appearances.

the most disappointing thing about this? the people i'm talking about, happen to be my friends.


At Tue Nov 01, 11:32:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Unknown said...

ei what's this all about? tell me tell me

At Wed Nov 02, 11:30:00 AM GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope this is not referring to me.. i didn't mean anything by my comment you know :P

At Thu Nov 03, 05:34:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger stark said...

no no jess. not u! haha

At Sun Nov 06, 07:09:00 PM GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's referring to me! :0) Amanda.


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