Thursday, October 27, 2005

i had a dream last night, which i had never thought to have. it should be bikini clad girls, or naked supermodels.

well the subject of my dreams were nude alright. nude with their fur coats on. yes, that's right. i dreamt about my hamsters. but what a disturbing dream it was.

i dreamt that my dad, for some unfathomable reason, decided to cage two male hamsters together. of course they fought, and when i got home to check on them, i saw one of them having a gaping shoulder wound straight out from Saving Private Ryan.

i got so pissed off with my dad, i scolded him and then i teared for my injured hamster.

i kid you not.

i guess for all the annoying things that i do to my hamsters, like finger their noses, or trap them under overturned cereal boxes, i still do love those furry bastards.


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