Saturday, April 01, 2006

It is with a heavy heart that I report that Hamster 2 just passed away this morning.

I was about to feed both my hamsters at 11am, but when I got to hammy 2, I realised he wasn't breathing. I then slowly lifted his body into a shortened toothpaste box and filled it with some of this favorite pellet food, padded the interior with tissue paper and wrapped the whole box up in white paper.

I then carried him to the park where I previously buried Skinny, and armed with a yellow plastic scoop, I made 2's final resting place.

Good night 2. I'm sure Skinny's waiting to show you around the excellent playground he's found.


At Mon Apr 03, 05:36:00 AM GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have one of ur hammies left and two of ur annoying gmeems. hobs.

At Mon Apr 03, 10:52:00 PM GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

just the other day i was taking simba out and on there ground, there were a couple of bashed up hammies and one lying apart from the mutilated ones...

my guess is they died and a cat dug them up from the trash. Or crows.

next guess is, someone killed them and then a cat dug them up from the trash. Or crows. what are the chances of 3 hammies dying together, right?

i wanna find the fuckwit who killed the hammies and have a cat eat his/her face. *grrr*

protect Hamster2's grave!

At Thu Apr 06, 01:18:00 AM GMT+8, Blogger stark said...

hopefully, the cat will find more entertainment with the flower laid on hammy2's grave, than with poor hammy2's soul-vacated body.



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