Wednesday, October 26, 2005

i cant believe the stupidity of some people.

its 130pm, on a weekday right? i get this phonecall from a lady.

lady: "hello, is this raymond?"
(raymond is my dad's name)
me: "no, he's not at home"
(coz he's at work, right? it's a weekDAY.)
lady: "oh. when will he be back?"
me: "um. well let's see, how about AFTER OFFICE HOURS? like 7pm maybe."
lady: "oh. okay i'll call back later."



At Wed Oct 26, 03:20:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger grace said...

Some ppl don't go home immediately after work what!
So you can't really blame that lady.

At Wed Oct 26, 05:17:00 PM GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your dad might take half day off also! not everybody is predictable you know.

At Thu Oct 27, 02:43:00 AM GMT+8, Blogger Felle said...

Harlo Neek... I read your blog too so the readership can't be that bad la haha. Why you going Aust to study never tell me huh! Hopefully you get into Monash and I get into Monash, then I can have kaki :)


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